Royal Haciendas

Royal Resorts Under Fire

Royal Resorts has come under fire on the Timeshare Users Group message board by both Royal Resorts owners and vacationers that exchange into their resorts.

The issue for exchangers is the mandatory all-inclusive (AI) dining plan that all exchangers must purchase when they exchange into the Royal Sands or Royal Haciendas. The AI runs $100 per person per night and for two people will run $1400 per week. This, unfortunately, will kill any exchanging I would do into both of these resorts.  I imagine others will come to the same conclusion.

Some owners are upset around the shroud of secrecy surrounding the sale of the Royal Mayan. At recent owners gatherings, Royal Resorts cited confidentiality agreements to withhold information from owners on who is marketing the resort, and how the Royal Mayan will be marketed. This, of course, makes owners nervous that some sort of deal will be reached that is not arms length and not in the best interest of the owners.  

It will be interesting to watch these two issues play out over time.


Categories: Cancun, Interval International, Mexico, Playa Del Carmen, Royal Haciendas, Royal Mayan, Royal Resorts, Royal Sands, Timeshare, Timeshare Users Group, Travel | Leave a comment

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